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Welcome to my lil corner of de interwebz >:3 Best viewed in Netscape Navigator!
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Happy NYE and Y2K!!!

Date: 12/31/1999

OMG!! Y2K is coming!!1! I hope all of our computers survive :) Just adopted a new Owl Furby from the mall and I'm so in love, she's such a fluffy cutie. Happy New Years everybody!

We're online!

Date: 12/28/1999

Finally got AOL! The dial-up sound is amazing rofl, can't wait to connect with everyone on da World Wide Web! Mom's mad because she couldn't use the phone all day since I was browsing online lolz xD

-= H4ck3r Z0n3 n gifs! =-

Matrix Code

The Matrix is real!!1!

Nyan Cat

Nyan Cat was here :3


Pixel Sylveons!!


Surfin da web XD

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